Saturday, May 22, 2010

“Do you mind sterling?”

This is what the barista at Heathrow’s “Caffe Nero” asked me this afternoon morning regarding my change.. still in a daze after an 8 hour flight through time the night, after I emerged from the dungeon that is UK Border Agency and Customs. I needed my mocha, which so far has done nothing to perk me up, so I simply blinked at her and said “no.” I like silver? Being 3,000 miles from home and a complete rookie to this international travel thing I figured I wasn’t in the position to “mind” anything.
I grabbed my mug and heaved the suitcases that weigh more than I do over to a booth and collapsed. Only then did I look into my wallet to see what she’d given me, noticing at the time there was no paper returned to me from the €10 I handed her, but too apathetic to question anything. One more “what planet are you from” stare in response to what I FEEL are innocent questions and I’ll burst into tears. After I collected my thoughts I inspected the coins. One pound coins, equivalent to our Sacajawea gold dollars. It’s all very strange to me. I look outside and feel like I could hop in a car and drive to Minneapolis. It all looks so unassuming. I know that’s not the case. The abundance of accents and foreign languages in the airport I think is when it hit me.
(Ooh ooH! Just spotted a super-nanny-esque cab drive by the arrivals gate. I can already tell I’m going to be an uber-tourist. I also marvel every time a car drives by that the mechanisms are all backwards. I then try to envision myself driving a backwards car, shudder at how much anxiety it’d undoubtedly give me, and wonder how many people I’d send to the ER.)
I’m writing this at 2:00 p.m. my time. When I’ll be able to post it is another matter entirely. “Boingo” wireless may have just ripped me off €10 while denying me access to the internet. ‘Wireless hotspot’… my ass. My game plan was to check in for my AirMalta flight as soon as I could, and pass out in a corner at my gate for several hours. (sleeping cock-eyed on your own shoulder with a pillow made for munchkins on the flight over is no real sleep at all). Turns out there’s no staff at the AirMalta desk at 2:00 p.m. because my flight is the ONLY flight to Malta today. The Gulf Air man told me to check back at 5. Glorious.
I’m meeting a girl from my program named Sarah Hope at the airport in Malta to share a car to our apartment. She gets in even later than I do (12:45 a.m. for me, 1:25 a.m. for her). Hopefully this will allow me enough time to collect my bags, act like I know what I’m doing, and find the driver who is allegedly going to have her name on a sign..all before she lands. I firmly intend on rolling my bags into my room, and passing out fully clothed. The 8:00 a.m. meeting time for orientation tomorrow morning is going to come quick, but I’m sure 6 hours of sleep will seem like a lifetime after the day/s that seems to never end.
Stay tuned for a well-rested post with pretty pictures. :)

(update: alive and well in Malta. off to the beach!! Will post more later!)


Leah said...

Glad you made it, lovely!

Dad said...

Sounds like you have everything under control.
Cheery Oh and tood-a-loo old chap!!!